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Transcript from bail hearing in which Arlen Specter represented Ira Einhorn, who was accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend, Holly Maddux. Einhorn later fled the country and spent 23 years in Europe before he was found and extradited back to the United States, where he was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. April 3, 1979
Speech by Arlen Specter before the American Bar Association Convention, Aug. 5, 1968
Book review by Arlen Specter for the Yale Law Journal. Reviewed was “Conviction: The Determination of Guilt or Innocence Without Trial” by Donald J. Newman (1967)
Statement of District Attorney Arlen Specter before the Senate Sub-Committee on Constitutional Amendments, July 20, 1966
District Attorney Arlen Specter “Guidelines on Confessions and Admissions,” June 17, 1966
District Attorney Arlen Specter “Guidelines on Lineups and Confrontations”
Arlen and Joan Specter's Wedding, 1953 ( Watch Video)
A letter from the U.S. Department of Justice to Freda Shanin, Arlen Specter’s grandmother, denying her application for citizenship in 1942. One reason was that she failed to send proof of the dates and places of her birth and her parents’ marriage. She had also sent two photos of herself instead the required three.